Shol, Shien, and Kalisa

Shol looked at Kalisa with a small sigh. She was only eight, and sitting on the bed of this fancy hotel. She didn’t understand the gravity of the situation yet. Their brother wasn’t just going to come back, and they couldn’t keep waiting around for him. They couldn’t expect everything to be okay, and he for one was furious that his twin had betrayed them like this. Left with the very person they were fighting against… and quite frankly he didn’t care if he was kidnapped or if he was taken by force. Fact of the matter was that he was working for Ashes now.

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Kalisa was on the bed, flipping through channels on the massive television that their high-up room had. Occasionally, she’d glance to the side and get distracted by the view. They were super high up, and she could see for miles! A whole bunch of buildings were lit up here and there. Idly, she wondered if Shien was in one of those buildings… wondering where they were at. He hadn’t been home in weeks. She was really missing him, even if Shol seemed mad at him. She just wanted her big brother back. It wasn’t right to only have one of them. They were a pair, even if they argued sometimes.

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Shien looked up from his little motel. There were a whole bunch of big buildings strewn about everywhere. This was in Betesh… right? Betesh? He shook his head, trying to clear it of the fogginess that surrounded him. His siblings would be in Betesh. Shien rubbed his face with a groan, going over to take a quick and very hot shower to try to clear his mind. Shol could go fuck off and die for all he cared at this point. Shol abandoned him. Kalisa on the other hand… he wanted to protect Kalisa. It might not be the best course of action to try to kidnap her and bring her with him, but that’s what he had to do. That’s what he was instructed to do as well. He needed to listen to Ashes. Shien splashed water onto his face, trying yet again without success to clear his mind. Whatever. Focus on the mission.