About the Author

Drawing inspiration from her dreams and the wonders of the natural world, Kera Nyx is eager to make a name for herself in the literary world. Her writing style vividly paints landscapes and infuses her stories with a sense of wonder. Through her storytelling, she weaves tapestries of emotion, relationships, and conflicts that draws readers in from the first page. What sets Kera Nyx apart is her knack for creating characters that feel alive. Each one, from the heroes to the villains, has a depth and complexity that mirrors life.

In the worlds she creates, readers are transported to realms where magic meets reality. Whether exploring forests where ancient spirits whisper secrets or cities filled with hidden enchantments, Kera Nyx’s carefully crafted worlds invite readers on extraordinary adventures. With her fresh perspective and vivid imagination, Kera Nyx is a promising new voice in fantasy literature, gradually building a fanbase and eagerly working on her next release.

Kera Nyx, writing under a casual pen name, is a recent graduate of San Diego State University (SDSU). She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, a Certificate in Creative Writing, a Graduate Certificate in College Teaching, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing – all from SDSU, which boasts one of the oldest and most prestigious creative writing programs in the state.