A Good Male is Someone…

Who wants to spend time with their significant other… who doesn’t care what other people have to say about the male sex… who is an intellectual… who has something he’s passionate about… who has friends he cares about, even if only a few… who at least likes books… who always wants to learn more… who questions authority… who questions why… who questions how… who sticks to his beliefs… who isn’t afraid to say he’s wrong if the proof shows him to be… who loves to cuddle and hug… who has at least mediocre skills in the kitchen… who is full of smiles even if the going gets rough… who isn’t afraid to cry out and weep if they’re in pain… who touches nature with reverence… who cares for even the smallest of living creatures… who understands the cycle of life and death… who loves meat as a part of that cycle… who isn’t afraid of trying strange foods… who would know how to survive at least a few days in a zombie apocalypse… who wants a “house cow”, a fox, a “danger noodle”, and other uncommon animals… who finds even the most traditionally ugly animals cute… who despises what humans have done to certain dog breeds, such as the pug… who doesn’t care about marriage… who knows that the diamond industry is bullshit… who believes in the paranormal… who has little irritating qualities when it comes to the divvying up of blankets… who is secure in his own sexuality.