Hollywood Reality Lies

Hardly anything can be itself
in America, it’s hard.
The media controls,
compacting the masses’ mind
into believing lies.

Cowboy hats, boots,
look to Texas for these,
or to Hollywood,
the difference is hardly obvious.

Look to farmlands
for the poor, unknown
Mexicans, passport questionable,
or to Hollywood again.

Black culture, clumsy,
fumbling, their minds
still somehow animal
despite so much progress.

To Hollywood again we go,
we point.

Good women belong in the kitchen,
yet they’ve broken away.
No longer are they slaves to
stoves and counters.

Still, they must be proper,
silent is better, best,
leaving little room for personality,
lest they are dumb, stupid, useless.

Hollywood, reason for all these woes?
No, media, and Hollywood
as well a victim as a cause.